UFGI Publication Round-up: Week of 8/9/21
Egg Consumption and Cardiovascular Risk: Limitations of Observational Data.
PMID: 34340753
PMID: 34126132
PMID: 34354961
PMID: 34358537
Defining a cure for type 1 diabetes: a call to action.
PMID: 34339632
PMID: 34365318
Blood DNA Methylation and Incident Coronary Heart Disease: Evidence From the Strong Heart Study.
PMID: 34347013
PMID: 34365563
Epidemiology, diversity, and management of bacterial spot of tomato caused by Xanthomonas perforans.
PMID: 34342710
PMID: 34343415
Adaptive shifts underlie the divergence in wing morphology in bombycoid moths.
PMID: 34344177
Chronic Critical Illness Elicits a Unique Circulating Leukocyte Transcriptome in Sepsis Survivors.
PMID: 34361995
Migratory strategy drives species-level variation in bird sensitivity to vegetation green-up.
PMID: 33927370
PMID: 34362815
PMID: 34343312
Strategies to Integrate Genomic Medicine into Clinical Care: Evidence from the IGNITE Network.
PMID: 34357114
PMID: 34363035
Evolution of glutamatergic signaling and synapses.
PMID: 34343611
PMID: 34343564
PMID: 34334204
Author Correction: TNFα increases tyrosine hydroxylase expression in human monocytes.
PMID: 34341346
SiGMoiD: A super-statistical generative model for binary data.
PMID: 34358223