UFGI Publication Round-up: Week of 9/6/21
PMID: 34127860
PMID: 33434556
PMID: 32654539
Disease network data for the pesticide fipronil in rat dopamine cells.
PMID: 34458526
PMID: 34475528
PMID: 34475340
Empirical Validation of Overlapping Virus lncRNAs and Coding Transcripts by Northern Blot.
PMID: 34160812
A centenary for bacterial spot of tomato and pepper.
PMID: 34472193
PMID: 34474090
PMID: 34472187
Activity of Mitragyna speciosa (“Kratom”) Alkaloids at Serotonin Receptors.
PMID: 34467758
Is Persistent Motor or Vocal Tic Disorder a Milder Form of Tourette Syndrome?
PMID: 33942911
PPARα at the Crossroad of Metabolic-Immune Regulation in Cancer.
PMID: 34480827
New insights into the genetic architecture of inguinal hernia.
PMID: 34455395
Emerging Neuroimaging Biomarkers Across Disease Stage in Parkinson Disease: A Review.
PMID: 34459865
Rapid emergence and spread of SARS-CoV-2 gamma (P.1) variant in Haiti.
PMID: 34471930