UFGI Publication Round-up: Week 2/1/21
PMID: 33510950
PMID: 33496819
Building a precision oncology workforce by multidisciplinary and case-based learning.
PMID: 33499867
PMID: 33509423
PMID: 33509936
Applying machine learning to predict viral assembly for adeno-associated virus capsid libraries.
PMID: 33511242
Host Cell Volume Explains Differences in the Size of DsDNA Viruses.
PMID: 33515605
PMID: 33510740
PMID: 33513042
PMID: 33315075
PMID: 32628332
PMID: 33503447
PMID: 33141879 F
Effects of choline on the phenotype of the cultured bovine preimplantation embryo.
PMID: 32896407
PMID: 33396161
PMID: 32439514
There is no ‘African American Physiology’: the fallacy of racial essentialism.
PMID: 32808368
Prescribing Prevalence of Medications With Potential Genotype-Guided Dosing in Pediatric Patients.
PMID: 33315113