Publication Support Program


The University of Florida Genetics Institute (UFGI) will defray the costs of publication for member faculty up to a total of 20% of the IDC funds contributed by that member in the prior calendar year.


With this program, UFGI seeks to promote scholarly research and publication by its members and acknowledgement of their affiliation with the UFGI.

Rules & Requirements

• UFGI will only support publication costs for manuscripts which list the UFGI affiliations of all members.
• Only charges arising from publisher invoices on manuscripts accepted for publication will be supported. Costs of manuscript preparation or submission fees will not be supported.
• Retroactive support for prior publications will not be provided. Funds will be paid only to the publisher on a current invoice.
• Total support for any faculty member will not exceed 20% of the IDC funds contributed by that member to the UFGI in the preceding year.
• The publication must be peer-reviewed and accepted for publication in a journal with a current impact factor greater than 1.0.
• Funds are allocated on an annual basis and cannot be rolled forward or saved from year to year.


Each year the Office of the Vice President for Research returns a portion of the recovered indirect costs to principal investigators, department chairs, and directors of certain authorized centers, if appropriate. 

This return of indirect costs generally occurs in the fall of each year and is based upon the indirect costs collected from grants and contracts during the preceding fiscal year (July 1—June 30). UFGI members have the option, at that time, to direct a portion of these returned indirect cost dollars, up to 7.5%, to support the Genetics Institute.  Once these allocation numbers are finalized, the UFGI director will report to individual UFGI members what the dollar amount of their contributions were and how much of these funds will be available to them, during the following calendar year, to defray the costs of publication. Investigators wishing to use UFGI support to defray some or all of the publication costs for a manuscript should provide a copy of the title page from either the publisher’s proof or the final publication and a copy of the invoice from the publisher to Kelley Gentry (UFGI Assistant Director for Administrative Services) | (352) 273-5033 | 

Requests will be reviewed for compliance with the rules and requirements listed above and, if approved, an account number will be provided for the appropriate percentage of the bill.