Indirect Cost Return

Each year, the Office of the Vice President for Research returns indirect costs collected from grants and contracts during the preceding fiscal year (July 1 – June 30) to principal investigators, department chairs, and if appropriate, directors of certain authorized centers/institutes. The current distributions are at Project Manager (formerly Project PI) 10%; Department Chair 7.5%; and if a center/institute is identified in UFIRST as supporting the project, then 7.5% to the Center/Institute Director. The remainder of the indirect costs collected is returned to the college. Please follow the mapping below. Steps 2 and 4 will guide you directly on how to designate IDC to the UF Genetics Institute.

If you have any questions or need assistance please contact Kelley Gentry at or (352) 273-5033. Thank you for your support!

Log into MyUFL and follow Main Menu > Financials > Grants > UFirst.Β 

Click here for a pdf download of the below instructions.

Step 1

Locate and open the UFIRST Award. On the left-hand-side of the screen under My Activities, and at the bottom, click Update Project IDC Returns.

Step 2

In the Update Project IDC Returns pop-up window two options will be available.
1) To add a new IDC distribution
2) To update an existing IDC distribution

Step 3

Upon selecting either Add or Update, select the project for which the IDC Distribution is being made or adjusted.

Step 4

In Field 2.0 use the text box to search for the Center that should receive IDC distributions from the previously identified (example) project. Please note that the wildcard β€œ%” can be used in this field to assist in the query.

Step 5

In Field 3.0 enter the percentage of the IDC returns that should be allocated to this center. Please note only three centers can receive IDC distributions from a single project. Across all center distributions for a single project, the percentage of distribution cannot exceed 7.5%

Once complete click OK in both pop-up windows.
Repeat Steps 1-5 as necessary.