Become a UFGI Faculty Member

The University of Florida Genetics Institute (UFGI) seeks to promote excellence in the areas of genetics and genomics at the University of Florida. All University of Florida faculty whose scholarship aligns with the mission of the UFGI are welcome to apply for membership.

Members are expected to maintain a productive research program in an area broadly pertaining to genetics and genomics and to pursue multi-disciplinary approaches in their research. Collaborative studies, whether with other UFGI members, UF faculty outside of the UFGI, or investigators at other institutions, are strongly encouraged.

University of Florida faculty members interested in an appointment within the Genetics Institute should complete the form below to begin the process. UFGI will email you the list of membership guidelines. This document will provide expectations for membership and its associated benefits, as well as details of the application process.

Join the UFGI Faculty