UFGI Publication Round-up: Week of 10/4/21
CD177 modulates the function and homeostasis of tumor-infiltrating regulatory T cells.
PMID: 34599187
The Women’s Leadership Gap in Diabetes: A Call for Equity and Excellence.
PMID: 34131045
PMID: 34589093
PMID: 34085858
PMID: 34569641
PMID: 34592442
PMID: 34582953
Retinoic Acid Receptors and the Control of Positional Information in the Regenerating Axolotl Limb.
PMID: 34571821
PMID: 34592777
PMID: 34596291
Molecular mechanisms underlying nucleotide repeat expansion disorders.
PMID: 34140671
PMID: 34599592
Conquering the Host: Determinants of Pathogenesis Learned from Murine Gammaherpesvirus 68.
PMID: 34586873
PMID: 34599325
PMID: 34588433
Adulthood systemic inflammation accelerates the trajectory of age-related cognitive decline.
PMID: 34587117
Operationally defining cognitive reserve genes.
PMID: 34565615
PMID: 34572495
PMID: 33714545
Sepsis and Cognitive Assessment.
PMID: 34575380
Engineering Vascular Grafts with Multiphase Structures.
PMID: 34591303
The Effects of Simulated Microgravity on Macrophage Phenotype.
PMID: 34572391
PMID: 34593229
PMID: 34593226