UFGI Publication Round-up: Week of 8/30/21
Optimizing T Cell-Based Therapy for Glioblastoma.
PMID: 34421912
PrbP modulates biofilm formation in Liberibacter crescens.
PMID: 34431209
PMID: 34421834
PMID: 32486858
PMID: 34421577
PMID: 34432873
Advances in Genomics Approaches Shed Light on Crop Domestication.
PMID: 34451616
Orthopaedic Gene Therapy: Twenty-Five Years On.
PMID: 34437305
PMID: 34426604
PMID: 34431309
PMID: 34425644
Reply to Letter to the Editor.
PMID: 34437839
PMID: 32611206
PMID: 34420980
Cardiac responses in paediatric Pompe disease in the ADVANCE patient cohort.
PMID: 34420548
Inside OCD: Perspectives on the Value of Storytelling with Individuals with OCD and Family Members.
PMID: 34442057
PMID: 34421975
PMID: 34447942
Deciphering Metabolic Currencies That Support Marine Microbial Networks.
PMID: 34427508
PMID: 34439266
Efficient artificial microRNA vectors for gene silencing in citrus.
PMID: 34427747
Interaction of tau with HNRNPA2B1 and N6-methyladenosine RNA mediates the progression of tauopathy.
PMID: 34453888