UFGI Publication Round-up: Week of 5/3/21
Untapped endocannabinoid pharmacological targets: pipe dream or pipeline?
PMID: 33932409
PMID: 33899086
Semantic standards of external exposome data.
PMID: 33901445
Clinical Manifestations and Epigenetic Regulation of Oral Herpesvirus Infections.
PMID: 33920978
Functional Characterization of a Sugar Beet BvbHLH93 Transcription Factor in Salt Stress Tolerance.
PMID: 33915978
PMID: 33914047
Race reconciled II: Interpreting and communicating biological variation and race in 2021.
PMID: 33905133
Systemic racism can get under our skin and into our genes.
PMID: 33905118
Complete vertebrate mitogenomes reveal widespread repeats and gene duplications.
PMID: 33910595
Prediction of host-pathogen protein interactions by extended network model.
PMID: 33907496
PMID: 33915983
Mussels drive polychlorinated biphenyl (PCB) biomagnification in a coastal food web.
PMID: 33911140
PMID: 33911072
Migratory strategy drives species-level variation in bird sensitivity to vegetation green-up.
PMID: 33927370
PMID: 33925553
The Need for Equitable Scholarship Criteria for Part-Time Students.
PMID: 33897099
Mixture interactions at mammalian olfactory receptors are dependent on the cellular environment.
PMID: 33927269
Plastics in our water: Fish microbiomes at risk?
PMID: 33930774
Dysregulated Immunity and Immunotherapy after Sepsis.
PMID: 33920518